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Kenryoku_Maxis said:
68soul said:


Man, you don't have to tell me such things: I KNOW... i have "Little King's Story", and i LOVE it... and i'll buy "A Boy and his Blob" and "Muramasa" this month, on day one, as they're only released now in PAL land...

I'm just like you, and just like many here: i like great and original "niche" titles, i have such tastes, so I'M HAPPY with the Wii and its line-up...

But WE ARE EXCEPTIONS and WE ARE NOT ENOUGH... and these games, even if very creative and very original, are NOT "big budget" by any means... and WILL NOT attract any mass market, both the "casual mass market" and the "core mass market"...

Personally, i don't care for most of the following games, but as long as Wii won't play the new Grand Theft Auto, the new Assassin's Creed, the new Street Fighter, the new Resident Evil, the new Bioshock, the new Call of Duty, the new Final Fantasy, the new Batman Arkham Asylum, the new Bayonetta, etc, etc, etc, it will not be a FIRST CHOICE for the vast majority of "core" gamers... and for the vast majority of "core" third parties devs... just like PS2 was last gen, by example: for all the different types of games, niche as well as blockbusters... a very healthy market, and opportunities for everyone...

And so, Wii will stay a kind of "niche market" of its own, with a few "mass market" hits (often 1st party) makin' it a success... BUT, a too limited success... not enough to attract some "exclusive big budget" third parties efforts... and not even all the "multiplatform big budget" third parties efforts... i don't know how to explain myself better than this, sorry, english is my second language only... but i hope you get my point...  ;)

Whoa calm down there.

I don't really know what I have to say to make you happy.  I've already stated exactly what you have said in this thread.  Just not in my last post.  Yet everytime I try to say that the Wii has good games aside from just Nintendo games, its like people have to go crazy and say they're just junk titles or 'niche' titles or 'nothing that the core market wants'.

Yes, its true, many 'core' gamers want GTA or Halo or Final Fantasy.  Let's just face it, what you're really saying is gamers in America want graphics.  Because in Japan, they're ignoring consoles completely for handhelds, while in America, they're going for the games on the 'HD' systems.  Its not so much that the games on the Wii are 'niche' or 'kiddy'.  Its that the games on the Wii don't have as good of graphics, marketing and name brand recognition as the games on the 360 and PS3.  As I pointed out in a previous post.  A game like Disgaea or Persona, if released on the Wii instead of the PS2 or PS3, would have probably been deemed 'niche' and ignored.  Instead, they were released at different times and on 'better systems' in these peoples eyes.

Would it be better if Wii had better graphics?  Maybe...but then it might not have done what it did.  Maybe next gen it can have those better graphics.  You need to secure the market before you can dominate it.

Also, in reference to your last post, there's 43 Third Party games on the Wii which have sold over a million units.  Third Parties CAN sell well on the Wii when they try.  AKA when they produce an actual good game and follow through with it in ADVERTISING and actually stock the shelves with it.  Its just that most don't try.


Just a short answer in this very interesting thread, with many good points made by everyone: i'm very calm...  :)

Seriously, i always enjoy reading your posts, and i think we agree on many things, and also have very similar tastes... so even if i used some CAPS there, it's just to insist on some words, and nothing else: and it's certainly nothing against you...  ;)

Back to the topic, as short as i can:

Yes, maybe "core" gamers in America (and elsewhere, too) are blinded by graphics, and now HD graphics... but HD isn't everything (just read my sig' to know what i think about it): a game in SD may be beautiful just as well, and will be even easier to make... AS LONG as the console has enough RAM and enough processing power for all the most advanced effects and shaders out there... and that's the problem with Wii...

So, yes, i think Wii would have done WAY better with higher specs... higher specs not especially designed for HD: higher specs dedicated to games in SD ONLY would have done MIRACLES... and after all, X360 uses the same "good old regular" DVD as Wii: so if there's enough Gigas for a beautiful game in HD, then there's more than enough Gigas for a very beautiful, detailed and smooth game in SD...

But doin' such efforts takes time and dedication, and as long as the Wii's "core market" isn't a sure shot for 3rd parties, they won't take the time and the risks... and it remains a vicious circle: no" big budget" core games, so small "core" userbase, and so on and on... now you're right, many 3rd parties haven't even tried... but when the competition (aka PS360) do offer so many technical facilities, it's hard to blame them...

Now, of course, some 3rd parties games had success: but were these the best 3rd party efforts? You know the sales of Carnival Games, and the sales of Little King's Story, and you know there are many other examples of poor games sellin great, and great games sellin poorly, so...

But there's nothing we can do about it: these "niche" games need ALL the open-minded gamers out there to become real success, and not "only" a small userbase of open-minded Nintendo's fans... once again, i hope you get my point...  ;)


"A beautiful drawing in 480i will stay beautiful forever...

and an ugly drawing in 1080p will stay ugly forever..."