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txrattlesnake said:

      Yeah, we know that the Wii Fit crowd is buying some pretty poor games on Wii like Deca Sports ( a million seller on Wii with a metacritic score of 50) and maybe Carnival Games (a million seller on Wii with a Metacritic score in the 50's) and Game Party (a million seller on Wii with a Metacritic score in the 20's), but as far as encouraging developers to put more top rated core games on the system like Dead Space:  Extraction (Metacritic score of 83 not a million seller on Wii), or No More Heroes (Metacritic score of 83 not a million seller on Wii), or Okami (Metacritic score of 90 and not a million seller), they're not doing much at all.


     If publishers can sell more crap on a system than they can something they've actually had to put some work into, then they're not going to have any incentive to actually put something good on a system.



First of all the shovelware minigames are being bought by parents who have 5-10 year old kids and really, they probably aren't very picky when it comes to games.  Also these games hit the bargain bin at $20 after a few months, all the sales for these games are coming from cheap parents buying the game because it has party in the title and it costs next to nothing.  The demographic that likes these games have very low standards so any turd with an appealing cover or title will sell.


The reason why Games like Dead Space Extraction and No More Heroes aren't selling is because each of them have serious flaws that not even sugar-coated reviews can cover up.  Dead Space Extraction is a very short rail shooter with no replay value, how it averaged 8/10 I'll never know.  No More Heroes looked like an N64 game and had numerous tech problems (only game I have ever sold because I hated it so much massive POS).  Okami is a niche title that sold equally poor on the all mighty PS2, nuff said on that one.  The demographic that buys these types of games have much higher standards and for the most part third parties have not lived up to these standards when it comes to making Wii games, so what happens is they are forced to buying Nintendo only games and maybe a few multiplats that aren't gimped too much. 


If Wii would get an ungimped version of Bioshock, Borderlands, RE:5, or Fallout they would sell like crazy I bet.  Obviously the graphics would have to be scaled down a bit but as long as the devs do as much as they can to ensure the game looks tastful and the game doesn't have an gimps or major flaws people will probably be happy.  There is also a major problem with third part devs omitting random things that should just be standard; voice chat, online, co-op, etc, Wii owners don't want a shortchanged version.