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trestres said:
That's the point, the main focus of Nintendo with the Wii are the new gamers/the mainstream. They don't believe that advertising a game for the core is necessary because they think they will sell for themselves. WRONG. Most of their core releases have bombed in Japan, bombed terribly. They all have in common the lack of advertisement and media previous to release.

Third parties followed suit. They saw that games like Wii Fit, Wii Sports, Mario Kart, Guitar Hero, etc were successful, and now that's what they are aiming for. Core games are a rare happening that will almost definitely never end up better on the Wii than they would have on other console.
Third parties don't advertise their core games, because they know they aren't top quality and they know that Nintendo themselves don't care to advertise core games either.

Retailers have already showed signs that they are unwilling to stock core Wii games. Excitebots, Punch Out, Muramasa, Little King's Story, Disaster: DoC are all examples. The core market is already a niche market on the Wii.

Nintendo doesn't believe in dropping the core market.  And they definitely still believe in advertising.  This has been a big misconception since they said they're moving into new markets, but they're still making plenty of 'core' games themselves.  If anything, it was people on the internet and third parties who developed this image for Nintendo that they were dropping the 'core' gamer and alienated them.

I totally agree that since Third Parties had this mentality and started throwing a bunch of shovelware on the system, the Wii has gotten a negative image of being a 'casual' system.  But its not Nintendo who developed that image.  They were trying to branch out to obtain the 'younger' and 'older' demographic but still had their eyes on the making the same core games they always did (Metroid, Zelda, Mario, etc) and came through with them in their FIRST YEAR.  With even bigger titles coming the following year like Mario Galaxy, Brawl, Fire Emblem, etc.

Pretty much it all comes back to the third parties dropping the ball and alienating themselves from the Wii from the beginning.  if its Nintendos fault for not subsidizing their development costs and doing 'everything they could' to get them to work on their system, then perhaps its better that they didn't.  It backfired for them on the GC and caused us to have less good games on the system as a whole.  Maybe on the next system third parties will actually give Nintendo a try this time.

Six upcoming games you should look into: