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trestres said:
@Mr Khan: My statistcs are NPD, the usual MC/Famitsu and the PAL charts. The games that appear on those lists are basically always the same games, meaning that they are obviously selling to new owners. New releases barely chart. Look at Japan, Look at the PAL charts, look at NPD. Why doesn't any game that is not from Nintendo themselves (aimed at the casual/bridge) or a casual IP from third parties chart?

It's because the core gamer is not interested in what's coming out for the Wii anymore. The new gamers barely buy products from new IP's, they keep on buying the same games on the same genres, and they do it every once in a while. We are the vast minority here in this forum. Look at Japan for example, no one is buying anything there save for the Wii___ games or the Nintendo franchises. Those really inflate the attach rate and are mostly what people got when they bought the Wii.

Also asking me for convincing proof is kind of illogical, since you can't prove the opposite to me. Although I am trying.

Now please explain to me why are core gamers not buying core stuff on the Wii but they do on the other consoles? Why can Uncharted 2 sell 100k in Japan and a really popular franchise like Super Robot Taisen bombs on its first week?

So because the sales aren't front-loaded, that means core gamers aren't there? There is some merit there, i suppose. Core gamers are the ones who buy into the hype machine and buy games early, and that doesn't happen on Wii, except for the really big stuff, but we're at a "chicken-or-the-egg" question on that, given that the core might not be buying into these core games because there's no hype, not that there's no hype because nobody's buying the games.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.