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Mr Khan said:
68soul said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
"The PS3 and the X360 are moving into the control's territory, and maybe into the "casual market" as well, cos they have learned from Nintendo's success... so Nintendo will need to move into higher spec's territory, to be able to stay relevant and compete for the 3rd parties investments, as well as for the gamers money... both "casual" and "core", btw..."

No. THEY copycat the Wii means THEY have to stay relevant, NOT Nintendo. That's like saying Grand Theft Auto needs to stay relevant because of all the ripoffs. Do you not see the crappy logic there? Or are you just so desperate for Nintendo to jump back in the hardware race (which you admit lost the other guys billions) that you are twisting logic to make that wish fit (which a lot of the gaming press is doing)?


Is it my fault if you don't see the whole picture here, and use your very own "crappy logic" in most of your posts?

In some ways, Wii's hardware was already too limited back in 2006, so now in 2009, and later in 2010-11, the situation will not miraculously change, and the 3rd parties devs won't suddenly say to themselves "let's port all our games on Wii": because technically, it's too difficult, and economically, it's not that profitable...

A "real" market leader needs most of the best games released, otherwise, it's a leader in its own niche, in its own league, and that's it... and even if i don't care for most of the GTA and CoD in this world, yes, i think all consoles and all games are in a kind of competition, because the people's budget is limited, and the gamers budget is of course limited just as well... so only the best and the most original will survive...

Sure, Wii and DS are doin' good... but if Sony's and Microsoft's "copycats" meet a lot of success (too), Nintendo really needs to think about what's next, really fast, and do something really special... otherwise, their success may disappear in three years, just like the Playstation's success disappeared in three years: you see?

So Nintendo needs to think about some more innovations, but also about a (way) more powerful hardware, to please all the kinds of devs, and all the kinds of gamers... that's all i wanted to say, and no, this isn't "flawed logic"...  :(

It is. You're still operating under the assumption that the GTA/CoD/Halo gamer is still the center of the market, and are operating with the old falsehood that it is Nintendo who has carved a niche out for themselves with the Wii, implying that the sum of the non-Nintendo industry is bigger than Nintendo, which is barely the case (48% marketshare, after all)


It is now clear that the industry no longer revolves around companies like Rockstar. That message was very clearly sent when Mario Kart Wii outsold GTAIV, despite claims that GTAIV would bury the Wii itself, let alone MKWii. They are not the center of the industry, so their support is no longer essential to the market leader. Certainly it would be nice, and help the market leader to monopolize, but clearly they are no longer necessary as a determining factor.


Personally, i don't care for games like GTA, CoD, etc, etc... i don't miss them, and i don't view them as the most important games on the market... that's not the problem...

Problem is, you have to please all the consumers, or at least a maximum of the potential consumers, by offering a very good choice: that's a very simple law in every business out there... and that choice, for many gamers, has to include most of the best multiplatform games, now bein' exclusives to PS360, as well as some great exclusives for each console...

Nintendo has and always had great exclusives: their own games... but when some Nintendo's reps are tellin' that "Wii is a console for everybody"... if they want this to be REALLY true, then Wii needs to play the new Final fantasy, the new GTA, the new CoD, the new Bioshock, the new Resident Evil, the new Street Fighter, the new Assassin's Creed, the new Batman Arkham Asylum, the new Bayonetta, and so on and on...

Otherwise, it will be a great console, with many dedicated and happy gamers, but it won't be the "real" market leader it could have been, with the same weight as the PS2 last gen... and so, it will not see huge investments made by 3rd parties, who see maybe 48% of the home consoles gamers bein' Wii gamers (and amongst these, millions of multiplatform gamers, btw), but more than 60% of that market already taken by Nintendo's 1st party games...

If you also think of all the "mass market" people who have bought a Wii ONLY for Wii Sports and Wii Fit, and won't buy tens and tens of other games, what's left, as far as "an healthy market for third parties" is concerned?

Just tell me, just show me: some "niche" games sellin between 200 and 500k? Some casual games sellin sometimes good, sometimes bad? And some music games sellin very good? And then? What will convince the 3rd parties?

Nintendo core gamers? They were 15-20 millions last gen on GC, and they're still the same, you know... they buy just as many games as any "avid" gamer out there, that's true, but are they THAT important in the eyes of 3rd parties?

And as the answer is no, say goodbye to the vast choice the other consoles may have... even with the Wii's success, we're in the same situation as during the N64-GC days, slightly better maybe, but only slightly... now, if that's good enough for you, great... but you have to understand that it's not good enough to attract much more "core" gamers, who ARE essential in this industry... like it or not...


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