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Vetteman94 said:
headshot91 said:
Vetteman94 said:
headshot91 said:
Vetteman94 said:
headshot91 said:
vitoaf27 said:
Vetteman94 said:
headshot91 said:
ok, what is wrong about my arguemnt then?

I already told you,  you are basing it off of facts that do not support your opinion, but instead go against it.   You are trying to use usebases as your reasoning.  But when GT5 will launch it will have almost triple the install base that GT3 did,  which sold 15M. 

Lol, pwned.

Not really. I am saying total userbase, not starting userbase. You are saying that GT3 has been out for 6 years. GT5 won't be out that long. GT5 will not sell more than gt3/4 because the ps3's total userbase won't be big enough to support MASSIVE sales. I don'd understand what youre basing your arguement on, i never said starting userbase except when talking to another peroson.

So what you are saying is that GT3 sold significant numbers after GT4 released?  Because GT4 was released 3.5 years later when the PS2 was at 78M.  

No. You are starting to confuse me with your "logic". I will say it again. gt5 won't sell as much as GT3/4. Its not purely to do with its userbase, critical reviews etc, but userbase is the most significant factor. What don't you get?

Well I am sorry that the numbers are too hard for you to understand.  Its quite simple really,  to say it will sell only 5 million because of userbase means you couldnt come up with anything else, so you thought that because the PS3 is selling slow you could use the userbase as your arguement.  Not realizing that GT3 actually released with the PS2 at 11M, only sold significant number of games until the userbase was at 78M, because thats when GT4 released and went on to sell almost 15M during that time. Gt5 will release at about 33M,  Which means in the next 3.5 years it will only have to sell 45M consoles to match that userbase GT3 had.   GT5 will sell 5M in the first 2 months its on the market, if it gets a WW release on the same day. 

I was starting to read your arguement seriously, but openly mocking people is immature and unnecessary.

I said it will sell 5 million MINIMUM in 2-3 years till gt6 comes out.

The ps3 isnt selling slow, its outpacing the 360 and the wii in japan for the last month.

The userbase does come into the equation, why dont you get this? If a game releases on  a userbase of 20 miilion and sells 1 million. If it releases on a userbase of 100 million (same reviews,genre etc) it will sell better as one in twenty people would buy it.

I do realise the ps2 userbase was at 11 mill when gt3 released, I KEEP SAYING IT HAS LARGE LEGS LIKE GT4 BECAUSE OF THE LARGE USERBASE INCREASE.

GT4 had a larger userbase of 74 million already, huge compared to ps3 atm. so sold well, ps2 went on to sellalmost another 60 mill consoles, thats why it sold well to. Less favourable reviews and oversaturation meant it didnt sell as well as GT3, but thats not part of MY arguement.

ps3 probably wont sell 45 mill in the next 3 and a bit years. It wont have the same userbase or even similar to ps2's, gt won;t sell huge ps2numbers, but it wil make a profit, it won't sell 5 mill in first 2 months.


Well so is insulting people but you didnt seem to mind being immature there.

If the PS3 is outpacing the 360 how come the gap has gotten bigger since the launch of the PS3 instead of smaller?   Sure the last month or so it has because of the slim but not before then and it still hasnt caught up to the original gap.  And its not outpacing the Wii in Japan,  they launched at the same time and the Wii has almost double the consoles sold in Japan.

So, all you are trying to argue then is the PS3 will not go through a significant increase in userbases.  So I have a question for you,  what is the PS3 going to sell over the next 4 years on a year to year basis? Sony is forcasting about 13M a year.  Because at that rate it will hit the 78M after 4 years.  

What? When have i insulted you? You mocked me by saying i couldnt understand the numbers.

This is why this arguement keeps going on coz you keep twisting my words up.

I said the ps3 has been outselling the 360 worlwide in the last month and the wii in Japan in the last month. So i don;t know what you are going on about with launch figures and the gap?!?

I have no idea what the ps3 will sell on a yearly basis on exact figures, I just dont think it will sell 45 million in the next 3.5 years, i see you have changed your estimate up to 4 years also. I have a ps3 if you can't see, and im not hating on it, but you seem to want to pick up on some imagined hate?