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Keep_the_change said:
Still being the number one way ahead the competition and it is "not healthy" according to them.

I wonder what are the microsoft and sony thoughts on this Iwata comments.


They failed to do a blockbuster for this holidays. NSMBWii will sell good for shure but it isn't a Zelda or Mario Galaxy.


No, it isn't a Zelda or a Mario Galaxy, it's in fact bigger than that... Zelda has a 5 millions potential, "as usual" i'd say, and Galaxy sold 8-9 millions...

While NSMBWii will be huge, really huge, and will easily do between 10 millions and 20 millions... not in two months, but by the end of next year, that's for sure... now, will it be enough to attract millions and millions of newcomers? That's the problem: most of the "Mario fans" are already there...


"A beautiful drawing in 480i will stay beautiful forever...

and an ugly drawing in 1080p will stay ugly forever..."