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Kenryoku_Maxis said:
SnowFlow said:
Kenryoku_Maxis said:
The problem isn't just making good games anymore. We got those. Stuff like Muramasa, Little King's Story, A Boy and his Blob, etc. The problem is, Japan is switching to handhelds faster than America is switching to CGI Animation. They need to convince people, especially the Japanese, to come back to consoles.

As I said a year ago, the Wiis biggest competition now is the DS.

Thinking like this is what's making the Wii fall.  Muramasa, LKS, and Boy and His Blob are all quality games but none of them are big sellers or have the capability to be heavy hitters, you want proof look at the sales.  The proplem goes much deeper than handhelds, Wii sales have slowed significantly world wide, and it's software no longer dominates the weekly charts.


Look at all the cool games released on 360 and PS3 this holiday; Borderlands, Dragon Age, Modern Warfare 2, Assasin's Creed 2, Tekken 6, Demon's Soul, Uncharted 2, Halo ODST.. need I even go on!  These are all AAA or AA games that have huge marketing campaigns behind them, there is absolutely NO competition.  On top of that Final Fantasy 13, Bioshock 2, and Mass Effect are just around the corner next year.  Yeah Nintendo has some games coming up, but going against this sheer volume of great games will be very hard.


What Nintendo needs to do is invest the massive amounts of money they have made by making lots of quality software not only to lure in more buyers but to keep current Wii owners happy, speaking as a Wii owner the only Wii game I have been happy with this past year is Pikmin... and that's a 9 year old port!.  This past year was beyond pathetic.  Nintendo also needs to make (or have someone else) at least a few games that have "bad asss" writen on them.... something like Gear, Borderlands, Bioshock.  Nintendo had games of this calibar on the N64 with 007, Perfect Dark, Doom, etc... why can't Wii?

Its no secret that Third Parties love the HD systems.  But that doesn't mean Nintendo should go throwing money at them to make games for the Wii.  That's what they did on the GC and we all saw how well that turned out.  And look how well they're doing this gen compared to their competitors with most of the Third Parties throwing them their lesser titles.  They essentially half half the profit share of the entire gaming industry.

If what you meant by 'invest lots of money' was Nintendo make their OWN games...I have no idea what you mean.  They have tons of excellent games this gen, both past and coming.  And they don't need to go the 'badass' route.  Once again, look how far that's gotten companies like MS and Sony.  No, selling to 'all ages' is always the more profitable way to go.  Look at Pixar, Apple, Coke, etc.  You name the brand, they have their own 'edgy, for teens' competitor that isn't doing as well as them.



I'm not saying Nintendo should "throw" money at them but rather secure a few exclussive deals with big games and help out with marketing a bit.  Both MS and Sony seem to be doing a much better job helping third party devs sell their games.  I certainly hope Nintendo helps Capcom make MH3 a huge success here out west because it looks like far to great a game to have fail because of poor marketing.  Maybe offering better online framework and taking voice chat more seriously too.


By invest I mean first of all Nintendo just needs to make more heavy hitter games plain and simple.  Where is Starfox, Pikmin 3, Donkey Kong platformer, Kirby, F-Zero, Luigi's Mansion 2, etc.  The amount of wasted time and potencial is astonishing.  I'm not saying Nintendo should go strickly "badass" but offer more games of that kind certainly wouldn't hurt, it's just another way of making the Wii more appealing.  Plus I'm sure that many people here are looking for more quality games in the mature genre.  RE:4 is the only AAA mature game on Wii, thats very sad especailly since it's last gen.


I love the idea behind Wii and think it's a great console.  But the amount of wasted potencial just makes me sick.