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The Wii in Japan has gone from being the fastest selling home console, to having the worst 2nd year since the NES, and will now have the worst 3rd year (by far) ever for a leading home console (see here, ommitted PS2 due to odd launch timing).

They will need some killer software to build momentum. It won't be easy - the Vitality Sensor being a massive hit is a must. Honestly, if they cared that much about the Wii doing well in Japan, I think they could have put off some of their DS efforts (e.g. 2 handheld Zelda's long before a console release) in favor of the Wii.

3rd parties cannot be blamed for the Wii's failure in Japan. When Nintendo needs them, they secure them (MH3, DQX). The real problem is, they have been unable to create enough system sellers (like Wii Fit, MKWii). Wii Music, Animal Crossing, and to a point even SMG/Zelda were not the hits Nintendo had hoped for. I just think they haven't put out enough great motion controlled games, the Wii's main strength. The Motion+ software is taking too long!