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LOL @ that clip.

On topic, umm yeah... games people. All you need is games. You sat back and thought the ignorant 3rd parties would put out some quality IPs in 2009 and BAM! they got stuck staring at the pretty colors in HD.

Should always put out at least one major quality IP every year in the spring/summer, 2006 had Twilight Princess and Excite Truck as well as a ton of other VC games to carry Wii until the fall of 2007 had Galaxy, 2008 had brawl, mario kart, and wii fit, 2009 had NOT A FUCKING THING YOU DIRTY BASTARDS!

Now, we're betting it all on NSMBWii (which will sell very well btw) and nothing until a massive game pile-up in 2010 with MetroidM, Galaxy 2, and probably pikmin3. Also, some concrete news about Zelda Wii. pikmin3 should have been pushed up instead of putting it on a small team to take forever to complete as well as pushing out wii music. bleh.

I guess you can say Wii Sports Resort came out, but that should have been out by E3 and it mostly sold to existing users.

