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WessleWoggle said:
HappySqurriel said:

The unfortunate thing about teenagers is they haven’t had enough real life experience with seeing the negative consequences of their own actions (and recognizing that these consequences were the result of choices they made) to be able to recognize good advice and to follow it. The advice I would give most teenagers is that success for the rest of their life will be heavily determined by the choices they make today, and the mistakes that they make can take years (or decades) to correct.

While it is a little “after school special”-ish I would generally advice teenagers to avoid experimentation with drugs because I have seen how many people’s lives it screws up. Without even considering drug addiction or disease (which are serious concerns) very few moderate to heavy drug-users or drinkers make it through college, university, trade-school, or are able to obtain and excel in entry level positions; which are the necessary steps to getting a good job and setting yourself up in the long run.

Certainly, there are exceptions and there are probably a handful of people who could respond to my post claiming to be these exceptions; but most of them would have to concede that the majority of their stoner friends straightened-up, didn’t make it out of first year, or are taking dead-end liberal-arts degrees.



No one expects to be the 40 year old working at McDonalds as an assistant manager living in their parents basement complaining about how unfair the world is; but the decisions you make today may make this one of the nicer outcomes.

The unfortunate thing about this individuals way of thinking)You I'm talking to obviously squirrel, no offense though at all) is that they judge everyone based on their preconceived notions instead of flowing with the tao of the moment. I recognize that everything is the result of everything, my actions result in all that happen to me, my actions are part of the reaction, everything flows, goes, and is welcome, if I've made a bad choice, I will rejoice, as I lived all the lifes ever, forever and ever, always and never, in wonderful weather, in times of doubt, when we all shout, past gods grace of the uphigh, everythings true within context, false out of context, true and wonderful, being and seeing, hearing and cherring, living and grooving, shoving and moving.

Sorry about the tangent there... Not really though. Listen, I've heard a lot of advice from a lot of people I respect. Jesus, Buddha, Bruce Lee, prophets all of them, to them I would like to sing, next to the shining kind, free of doubt and free of from, cold hot murdered or warm, enjoy every moment and flow through it, live simply and just groove it my friend.

The advice you give to teenagers is bullshit to me, all you're doing is taking them out of the moment, to a future of doubt, instead of a fun now full of certainty and joy, or toiling woes, whatever way their groove flowes. Mistakes, can be corrected at any time, with any moment and any rhyme, every moment is individual to all, being one, staying tall, shorting and groove, fastly mooving, whatever you want man, it's there, take a chance to enjoy the flair, if deaths the end you should care, you should be up for going anywhere, doing anything at any time, rhyming all with every rhyme.

After school specials are nice. But here's the thing, I'm a delusional ninja, but a ninja none the less. You have no idea how bad as I was, am, and can become. Well will all flow freely eventually, you'll see, if it's 2012 I don't care, I'll burn in hell while I stroke the devils hair, burning hard as I go along, becoming one with this singing song, grooving of the reality of my brain, shutting off all my pain, being one with the body yet maintaining the connection will all, no need to feel silly or, say, be all uptight like you're doing right now dude!

Disease is a state of mind my dude. I'll try to stay away from the stuff, or maybe not... Let's see if I can build an immunity to AIDs. buttfucker me! Hahahahaha lulz just kidding. I don't need any of that stuff, I'll just groove on normal druggie ninja chem, free of aids. Listen, druggies can do whatever they want if they put their mind to it. They can controll it, roll it, foil it and toil it.

I'd be happy as a 40 year old dude in his mothers basement being unhappy about his situation, that would be so groovy.


lol u really are high man.

I'd really want to say that everything is good and u got healthy ideas and all that, but it worries me that you are so young.

It's very rare to be only 17 years old and sound exactly like an old hippie.

You're a smart guy Wessle for your age, and mature too. But nearly all youngsters have immature sides too and lack experience, so it's a high risk u're gonna make severe mistakes if you act so confident about everything. A lil humbleness would do you good I think.