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Kantor said:
Rainbird said:
Kantor said:
coolbeans said:
I haven't finished the game so I can't give an in-depth review but :( the gameplay hasn't changed as much.

Changed as much as what?

PS: If you're not up to Chapter 10, your opinion of the game is invalid.

Also, Chapter 14 (I think it's 14, the one which is exactly the same as Chapter 1) is a complete waste of space.

Chapter 14 is not a waste of space. You're quickly over the part that you have already played, and it helps you stay in the right mood.

At least, the first half was a waste of space. The first time, I didn't mind, because I was too busy thinking "ZOMGTHISGAMEISAWESOME!" but the second time, it became "Oh god, not this again." The entire chapter is a nightmare for collecting treasures because Drake staggers around like he's just been shot in the stomach (fair enough, he has, but why was he walking fine when the enemies were alive?), and there is zero visibility and it gives me a headache.

Chapter 15 would have been better if Nate didn't do this slow amble through the village. But I still liked it.

I like how in chapter 14 Nate makes subtle references to the fact you're replaying a section of the game.


And I also really liked finding the unprompted interactions Nate has in the game, especially in Chapter 15 with the Yaks and the soccerball and the kids that are hiding.  Not to mention earlier in the game in the swimming pool.