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ok i don't understand metacritics averaging system....i looked at the top 4 games on it's list and worked out the mean score of all the reviews they took it from, OoT is at something like 98.89 or something which obviously rounds to 99

so far so good.
Tony Hawks rounds to just over 97.5, which rounds to 98 (which is fine numerically though i will add that the The Dreamcast Tony Hawks 2 games is the highest TH on gamerankings, but is down at like 95,....yet the PS version is the high one here...surely they should be using at least similar reviewers, yet scores are different)

SMG currently in 4th place, with more reviews than TH2, and a higher average of near for some reason below TH2

Soul Caliber for DreamCast is also above Maro Galaxy, yet has fewer reviews, and an average of near 97.1....which as far as i am concerned would round down to 97, yet they seem to have it at 98.

summary. Metacritic strange ranking system;
1. LoZ: OoT - 99 [22 reviews] (average of reviews = 98.95)
2. TonyH 2 - 98 [19 reviews] (average of reviews = 97.53)
3. Soul Cali - 98 [24 reviews] (average of reviews = 97.17)
4. SMGalaxy- 98 [27 reviews] (average of reviews = 97.78)

I can only assume they put some kind of weighting to different reviewers and make a different average to what i got, because they clearly are not ordering by number of reviews nor a flat mean score.....nor it seems with Soul Caliber do they round down when a score is below half-way between (unless of course the weighting has pulled it up)