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kowenicki said:
He can only be saying this if he knows something we dont... otherwise it isnt happening "soon" and he will be wrong

And im laughing at Cross-x and all the others complaining of MS arrogance... Sony arrogance at the outset of this gen and up until relatively mecently was staggering!

And here I thought you were one of the more rational and reasonable dudes around here...

So just because I've said that I hate MS arrogance here, does that make you think that I deny the arrogance of Sony? Who the hell said Sony wasn't arrogant? You think I'm some idiot who's trying to defend Sony and deny their arrogance or something?

It's not bloody rocket science to figure out that Sony is arrogant and it's not bloody rocket science to figure out that MS is arrogant. And yeh of course each company would say arrogant stuff coz its just business. Who gives a damn about whos more arrogant or not.

The fact that MS just made another arrogant comment made me say "I hate MS and their arrogance." Geez and since this topic deals with MS specifically, I only bought up my hate for MS arrogance. There would be no need for me to bring up the arrogance of Sony here. That can be said somewhere else, but not here.

You're the one making me laugh here mate...