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thismeintiel said:
I just wish MS would just STFU. Focus on your own damn games and business, instead of just bashing the competition when you have been outdone at any point in time. Didn't work for Sega now did it. Hell, they're making games on their previous competitors machine.

And we all know Ken's arrogant statements from 3 friggin' years ago, and I'm sure that's one of the reasons he stepped down. His business model just wasn't working. Now we have Kaz Hirai, who seems to enjoy less of a defensive war stance on his company. As of late, it seems Sony and Nintendo know to just promote their own products and keep the insults to a bare minimum when it comes to the competition.

BTW where is that graphic masterpeice that MS was boasting about when Killzone 2 came out? It was supposed to be the king of graphics on any system. Oh wait it did come out, only on PS3, Uncharted 2. God, MS just shut up and put out all these awesome games you have in "development."

When MS was just starting to market the XBOX, who did they hire.  ....Peter Moore, the guy who was head of Advertising for the Dreamcast.  This is a learned habit of bait and smear campaigning which Microsoft learned directly from Sega.

And as for Sony keeping a low profile and Kaz keeping his mouth shut, you can thank the complete alteration of management by Howard Stringer, now head CEO of Sony for that.  He basically took over the failing Sony brand, including the Entertainment section of Sony, and whipped it into shape.  Everyone, including good ol' Kaz, reports major decisions directly to him now instead of opening their big mouths at Expos and allocating funds to pet projects.  Sadly, this means no more 'Riiiiiiidge Racerrrrrr!!!!!!'  But it also means better business practices for Sony.

Now if only Microsoft had such a tight and clean management setup going.  But let's see, how do they run things....oh yeah.  They basically tap someone on the head and say 'its your turn to be CEO' for the next few years and keep this akward system of 'roundtable' management.  All the time reporting back to Bill Gates for all major decisions.

Six upcoming games you should look into: