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WheelStriker said:
tuscaniman said:
twingo said:
ms knows they have been beat down and will be forced to stay down.

A far inferior product wont win when the price difference is close, unless a $99 360 is in the pipe line.

If the 360 should be $99, does that mean the Wii should be $9? What is so inferior about the 360? Only thing you can point to is the Blue-Ray drive. Please don't bring up graphics and power since anyone not blinded by fanboyism can see both are equally matched. You may think the PS3 has better visuals but I along with many others think they are pretty even.

Oh really? What xbox 360 game has visuals as good as heavy rain's? Or uncharted 2's? None.

I agree.  While the Xbox360 has some impressive looking games none of them are even close to some of the exclusives of the PS3.  Getting back to the point, MS are clearly threatened.  You don`t hear Nintendo saying "oh, sony will be back in third place very soon...." - why? Because they are not threatened.  That recent price drop by MS was a desperate move.  And MS saying these things mean they are threatened.