Microsoft's figures in these charts aren't estimates now...but for the others I'm now expecting shipments to be...
System CY Q3 HW Est Thru Jun 09' Thru Sept 09'
PS2 1.00m 138.90m 139.90m
DS 6.00m 107.75m 113.75m
Wii 3.25m 52.62m 55.77m
PS3 2.75m 23.83m 26.58m
X360 2.10m 31.40m 33.50m
PSP 1.90m 52.90m 54.80m
System CY Q3 SW Est Thru Jun 09' Thru Sept 09'
Wii 33.00m 384.09m 417.09m
DS 29.00m 596.00m 625.00m
X360 21.45m 270.00m 291.45m
PS3 18.00m 189.70m 207.70m
PSP 7.50m 215.00m 222.50m
PS2 7.00m 1486.00m 1493.00m
People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.
When there are more laws, there are more criminals.
- Lao Tzu