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Akvod said:
vlad321 said:

Yes you are. The person you sold the game to did not not pay the developer for his intellectual property. YOU got paid for the developer's intellectual property. You violate the intellectual property rights of the person who's intellectual property it actually is. The dis is your property, but the game still isn't, it's the intellectual property of the developer, who sees no money. You are basically stealing his income.

Also that's the worst argument I have ever seen. It helps the industry by makingn it more money but it's still bad!

If we say that it's immoral because the producer didn't get any money, then what about giving away/gifting products? The developer gets no money.

Or if it's because the re-seller made money and benefited from selling the product, what if the re-seller just gave it away instead? If making money is the defining issue, then it'll be ok for people to copy and give away things (the biggest example would be medicine).

Violating intellectual property isn't defined as "benefiting from the works/products of others". If we're going to do that, holy shit, are we going to be validating a lot of other arguments and craziness.

That's absolutely too general.



Going back to the giving away example here's 4 scenarios:

Consumer owns a copy of a product, and sells it.

Consumer owns a copy of a product, and gives it away.

Consumer replicates a product, and sells it.

Consumer replicates a product, and gives it away.



10 seconds, intuitevely, tell me what you think is right and wrong.

Now, tell me if you see any contradictions.


Leaving that aside...


When we resell a copy of a software or game that we own, we're selling a physical property that we own. The developer doesn't own our discs anymore, and doesn't own the actual data or coding inside it. They own the RIGHT TO PRODUCE the [data/code/art/brand name/etc].

All 4 result in the developers gtting no money, all 4 are equally bad. Also yes you ae allowed to resell the physical copy, but that's just a CD. You however, are not alloed to resell the game itself, that is, the intellectual property. If you wipe the disk go ahead and resell it, but it would have to be blank.


Rental companies pay continuous royalties to the developers because they are using their intellectual propety, very much like how radio and music is.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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