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vlad321 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
aher052 said:
I mean if the person was never gonna pay 80 bucks for a game and they pirate it, the dev doesnt actually lose anything because if they were not able to pirate it then they would have never bought the in a way to those people who pirate it is better for the dev that they do pirate that game because if they get into it they will tell their friends etc and can even buy DLC or buy the next installment so the dev makes money....better that than nothing

If you're not going to buy it, you shouldn't get to own it for free. How's that for obvious morality? Maybe if they couldn't pirate those games they might have to buy them once in a while. Saying "I wouldn't have bought it anyway" isn't a valid argument, because we don't live in a world where piracy doesn't exist. If it didn't, who knows what you would have bought? Your game library would be much smaller, and you might be more open to game purchases. Again, without money changing hands, you are a leech to the industry. You don't stimulate its economy. You are a gamer, but contribute nothing to gaming. Without people to contribute, there would be no gaming. Pirates take for free what they haven't paid for. Used gamers always pay for their games, and that stimulates the gaming economy and benefits the developers indirectly.

If you guys are still arguing over this, I suggest you read my first post.

The only indirect benefit is because it gives money to middlemen. Any industry is better off without a middlemen, in fact if I can help the middle man go bankrupt I gladly will and anything that helps out the middleman isn't a god thing. As I siad, Valve is a shining example of an independent developer not in need of middlemen, hence with their games the second hand market is as useless as the pircy market. At least for their games.

Um....rental stores are middlemen and they buy their games from the companies. Developers just never see royalties from rentals. Gamestop still sells new copies of games, but they majorly profit off of used games. Even though Gamestop are dicks I must credit them for the fact that they get very little return from helping Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo selling products. They only get money from products they own that they sell. In essence the industry still continues. Pirates are the major problem. Gamestops need to be regulated on to make sure they focus on new sales rather than used sales. Gamestop employees are trained to tell you to go for the used titles and people like to save money, so it is just common sense.