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Hephaestos said:
The reason I meant for the thread to not be about the legality of copying IP is because that isn't really about morality. In EU we have the pirate party that has a seat in the EU congress, which you should understand as "law evolves constantly and something illegal doesn't mean it's immoral, just not allowed by the majority of the people".
Heck it's legal to walk arround with guns in some states and illegal in others, does that mean it's immoral and becomes moral accross the border?

That's also why I like Onyx's post a lot, it takes an individual perspective which is I believe the proper way to view this matter.

The illegality of piracy is law because the government has taken a stand to help corporations in their fight to stop IP's being copied. The EU is more open minded than America where I am from. The problem is a pirate never had rights. They don't deserve any. They are just theives who steal for their own causes. They might have valid arguments about where this industry is going (and I can agree there), but it's not like they didn't influence the rushing of digitally distributed games. As I said, because of people like that devs and publishers will take it out on gamers who pay and second hand stores alike. There is no excuse and it is illegal for a reason. There is a fine for copying media companies IP, thats why they got copyrights. Basically, so you respect their work and don't copy it. Do you actually think developers give a damn about people who steal their titles and actually have the balls to say the have the right to do it? In America we have the right to protect our personal property (home). So trust me, if someone stole something I created, I would be on their lawn with a bat protecting my rights. Either that or I'd call the cops if I wanted to watch a fucking funny show.