Joelcool7 said:
Alright you seem to get my point! It is 2009 almost 2010 and Sony is only now catching up with the competition and seeing success. Infact last month and likely this month the PS3 actually beat the Wii and 360. This is a huge feat. So if Sony is only now becoming successful (Seeing hardware and software sales rise) and is only now getting caught up with Voice Chat and other online features (PSOne classics). Only now getting a motion controller and only now seeing BluRay success. Would it make sense for them to start all over with PS4 in 2011? Nintendo will launch their next platform in 2011. I can pretty much gaurantee it. It will have been five years since Wii launched and sales of the Wii are beginning to wane. Nintendo's poor graphics and lower priced competition is going to drive their market share down. We also know from interviews with Miyamoto that the next console will be HD. Why will Microsoft launch their new platform next fall or at latest in 2011. Same as Nintendo. Microsoft's hardware sales are beginning to faulter. Sure Microsoft is still second place but Sony is beginning to catch up. Microsoft has publically said they have a four year life cycle and now it will have been five years (2010). With Natal getting ready Microsoft is likely going to launch a new platform next fall. Sony, unlike the competition is not seeing hardware sales wane. Instead they are seeing increases in hardware and software sales. Their hardware is selling better and better. Sony is only now seeing the BluRay success they had hoped for and this holiday will see a major market share boost. It makes no sense for them to start back at square one in 2011! Unless for some reason their sales begin to faulter again next year! |
Correction it's a huge feat to beat the Wii, the PS3 has beatin the X360 many times. And of course it's a huge feat, it's the Wii.
Most consoles get better over time anyway, it's not like there first year out is there best. And the reason why Sony is behind on the Online is because Microsoft started the whol Online gaming during the Xbox days, so Microsoft had a whole generation on Sony, of course they'd be behind a little. And Blu-ray obviously wasn't going to be a huge hit at the beginning, DVD is still dominating the market quite a bit. And I don't know why they would be "Starting all over" wouldn't they build on what they have for the PS3?
That's just laughable that Nintendo will launch a new console in 2011, you really think the Wii is going to be selling really bad by then? Coming out with a new console is risky and would completely kill the Wii sales, why not do the smart thing and just ride the money train until it runs out?
The thing about Microsoft is they launched a year ahead of the PS3 and Wii, so obivously they'll probably be the first ones to come out with a new console (like they did for this generation) It's not like Nintendo and Sony has to come out with a new console the during the same period of time. lol hell I even remember them saying they were going to keep the X360 1 day longer then the PS3, fat chance of that happening.
Like I said it was only a matter of time, obviosuly it was going to sell like crap at a high price then once it get's cheap it'll start selling like hot cakes. And again like I said, most consoles have there best years, 2 or 3 years out. Hell the DS has been out for 5 years now and it looks like it still hasn't peaked.
You can't really compare consoles, there all so different and they sell really different, especially this generation.