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Khuutra said:
That was an invitation to explain, Zen.

lol, I KNEW you were curious.

This is an industry. Its based off money changing hands.

What it has nothing to do with, is user experience. That experience only entices said money to change hands. We tend to focus in on the user experience, because that's what we care about the most. However, for all it matters to the industry monitarily, we might as well be playing Gingerbread Men. The actual game, and its bullet points are marketing tools. Quality and reputation are marketing tools. If those tools start to hurt a developer more than they help them, they are a liability. That's the case we have with PC gaming.

The PC community has found AMAZING ways to maximize and improve the user experience, for free, and it has paid dearly for it. DRM, severe lack of high budget exclusive single player games, inability to play many games until months after their console release, ect. Publishers simply cannot allow customers to be driven towards PC gaming.

Some form of control is needed, I think that's obvious. We can't go on with piracy the way it is, it's unsustainable.

However, what I'm saying, is that more publisher control is actually beneficial to PC gamers. They should embrace it. Stuff like this will eventually lead to developers being able to come back to the platform, and profit, as if it were a console. It might piss PC gamers off in the short run, but it IS better for them to lose some of that control now, instead of losing it all at once in the future. It means more games, and maybe even some exclusive games can profit on the PC. Ports might arrive on time. DRM and even piracy might dissapear.

BUT, for that to happen, the nature of PC gaming has to change. It will change, by force if necessary. It will change or it will die, like everything else. Console gaming changes, sometimes drastically, from year to year. You cannot stagnate, and the winds are blowing PC gaming towards becoming something developers can control, and eventually profit from.

It'll get there. Problem is, it'll be a lot of kicking and screaming in the process. It's a necessary change. It is happening, because nobody has given up on PC gaming, and nobody will, but for it to move forward, like ALL things, it has to change, and free code floating around the internet is one of the things that needs to be worked on.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.