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I think it's great. As a CoD4 player, online, I wasn't able to connect with a vast majority of the community. Anywhere I would go, there would either be an overbearing host, cheating, racism without punishment, a clan beatdown, and huge skill disparities between my teammates and the people I play against. This basically holds the player experience above modders experiences and cheaters experience. It holds the community together, and disparages elitist attitudes and absolute unfair user control. It also moves the PC and its biggest games, more towards a uniform console type system where all players have equal rights and privileges, and rules and limits.

If you don't like it, tough. Console sales make this game exist in its current form, not PC sales. You can buy it or skip it. I think CoD4 was one of the most pirated games of all time, if I recall. I find that much more abhorrent than such a minor issue as lack of DSS.

As for the preorders, they are huge on consoles, and that's what matters to the developers. Do you think that's not true?

This way, MW2 will have a more casual appeal even on PC, and might actually draw new fans in, not the same old stagnant elitist PC fans. In 5 years, MW2 will still be accessible to new gamers on PC. It wouldn't be, without this move.

This is the direction the industry is moving, btw. PC fans have no voice. Money talks. Piracy doesn't. With the glee over the DRM experiment failing, wouldn't it have been nice if that experiment succeeded instead? Maybe it would have allowed the games to sell better, and publishers wouldn't be laughing in the face of your "free gaming" mantra. Did you think that the DRM experiment would end the war? Why didn't you expect them just to try something more drastic? This is a real game. This isn't some independent developer trying to make a name for himself amongst PC pirates, so he can get paid to develop a console game in the future. This is the top dog here. They aren't playing around with you, they don't need to. They do not need your support.

You're going to buy this anyway. Or pirate it. This move will have no effect on that decision for most gamers. It won't hurt Activision financially, it will help the game for casual PC gamers, and Activision will have stood major ground in an effort to wrangle in the free wheeling come-what-may PC community.

If they cave, I'll be dissapointed.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.