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Suprised at the Wii number. As Source said, we can pretty much imagine it kept a 60k-70k weekly average for the 1st 4 weeks and then the price cut gave it a major boost.

PS3 did great, congrats to Sony.

And 360, though last of the home consoles does very decent and dominates SW as usual.

NPDs are a pain now cause once they are out, you want next month's figures asap to see any sign of momentum. And then when you finally get them, you (at least I), completely forgot the previous month's figures and eventual momentum...

One ting is for sure, we have a major battle on our hands for the holidays and I am in now way qualified to make a decent predicition but if I had to guess, I'd say Will will dominate the holidays (probably not outsell the HD Twins but close) and PS3 and 360 will virtually tie. That's just a gut feeling though (no analysis whatsoever, no use for this gen when a 3rd place console can win a month...).

Elaine: I will never understand people

Jerry: They're the worst.