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Owning on Warhawk. I had a 17:1 KDR, and over 200 or 300 points in one match of CTF. It was intense! (Go Flamethrower!)

I also remember one where I met one of my friends on PSN, where we completely owned the other team. CTF on the Badlands map; I was the gunner in the 4x4, and he was driving. We got the flag 3 times in the first few minutes of the game and won it. Didn't die once.

Oh, and the game where I met another of my PSN friends. This was the Eucadia map, I believe. Basically, our team got annihilated (CTF), but between the two of us, him in a tank with me as gunner/repairman, we managed to kill everyone on the team at least three times. It was pretty awesome.

Okay, so pretty much half of the Warhawk matches I've played have some kind of awesome story to them. Like the one where I killed 3 guys in a row with a sniper as they drove by in jeeps.