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Elmerion, not everybody understand a game because of the language, RPG' where the worst sold gender in Spain, but that situation finish when Nintendo released Illusion of Time in Spanish and... GUALAAA!!! Made magic!!! solds so much units that all others enterprises begin to release their games with spanish options, and if be necesary, a tottally spanish edition, but the incoming of CD format make easier that work, because all enterprises have more space to input multilanguage options, but now things are changing in a way we don't like.

C0N3NJ0, as you must know fragile have a lot of RPG' content, isn't just a survival horror, and maybe most people will need understand everything to acomplish the goals on it, but I'm of that people who doesn't enjoy a game if I can't understand everything, I can understand english without trouble, but not everybody can say the same.