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twesterm said:
ssj12 said:
btw did you try and Blu-ray movies? if not I recommend ratatouille, 300, casino royale, and kingdom of heaven.

I'm have some coming through Netflix (forget which ones-- I know Ratatouille is somewhere on my list though). I'm not using the HDMI cables so don't think I can do upscaling for my DVD's (assume that's the case). I tried the different options and it still only played them in 480p (or 480i, don't remember, just remember the 480 part). -edit- Just looked at my queue, Ocean's Thirteen is my next BR movie.

 yea you need an HDMI cable to upscale DVDs but if you have component you can play BR Movies in 1080i (1080p maybe idk, my TV only does 720p/1080i)

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