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NoName2200, efectiviously, Castellano y Español son lo mismo. (both languages are the same) just a little diference by localization. Thanks a lot.

SC94597, Rising Star Games almost ever releases their games in multi language, but fragile is a major release and nobody understand why this time Spanish is not included, and this a very bad step back. From Xseed nobody spects nothing, because they almost never translates any tittle, and RSG would make the translation if they had the licenses for distribution in both regions.

As example, dead space extraction in america sold 27.000 units in the first 3 weeks, in europe just 17.000 ¿diferences? language avaibility. More languages take more public, the people fells more identified to the game when is localizated on their own language, all the movies are ever translated to spanish in Spain, and bussines goes great. ¿Why don't make the same for games?