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The games are compatible with the Arcade, but not the memory card. The HDD is required for BC, since the HDDs are already partitioned for the BC games (about 5gb or so).

Youd sub-$10 USD list sounds fantastic. Each of those games are beyond awesome.

The media blades on the X360 are very, very, easy to naviage once you get used to them. All the important gaming stuff is in 1 place (game trailers, demos, arcade games if you DL them).

By the way, on the XBA Demo Disk, what demos were included?

There are very strong reasons MS makes you go through the crap for signing onto Live - when you sign up, and create that username, it also includes the signup for and it's forums, as well as saves your gamercard, so you can compare it for your friends lists and such. It's very beneficial, and that's the only, only time you ever have to do it.

Either way, welcome to the club. Get a gamercard from, and hit me up with a friend request.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.