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Oh my, you should just quit playing video games as a whole. Taking over a year to finish twilight princess means you should find a new day job, haha. jk

I actually have no idea how long it should take, I never got the game.  I have a GC, and am very tempted at buying a Wii, but going against the grain of how most gamers feel about Zelda games, I for some reason have never really liked them.  Not sure what it is, but they just never appealed to me.  Never was a fan of RPGs, and never played FF7 (blasphemy, I know) but Zelda and FF aside, I dont understand the draw of all of todays RPGs, espicially the MMO kind.  Putting down 30hrs a week in WoW that some people I know seems ridiculous, but I will stop with my rambling as I have just gone way too far off topic. 

Currently Playing:

PS4 - Killzone:SF and Assasins Creed 4


XBox One: BF4, CoD:Ghosts, Dead Rising 3, Forza 5


Changing channels with my voice: priceless!!!