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If you are going to buy the game wait until they patch it, the online menu and the way the game is set-up is retarded. Lag and connection problems happen in almost all games, they have no server list or dedicated servers either. Right now the game is busted and stopped on some screen and it shows that people are having their levels all reset to 1. The online appears to be coded by a blind monkey. Stay away from this game until they fix it.

The single player won't last long either , all the AI have aim bots and can see you through walls, you have grenades land on your feet from 100feet away and you get snipered with AK's from 500m away. Once the first shot hits you the screen goes all red and you slow down and can't find cover or anything.

EDIT: the PS3 version is the one i have, not sure about the other ones and if they are having the same problems.