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HappySqurriel said:
I'm going to be blunt ... If you want to see good sales on the Wii release a good game on the Wii. Third parties (for the most part) have ignored the Wii and therefore shouldn't get angry when the only company that is producing a steady stream of high quality Wii games is gaining all of the sales.


Ubisoft learned this the hard way last year.  But they did have two games that did well.  And that was because they were of fairly decent to high quality.  EA's taking it on the chin right now, but I expect a stronger line up from them in 2008.

For all the rest who are giving us crap this year, especially you Midway with your Cruis'n crapfest, I hope your stocking is full of coal!  And if you decide not to make any more games for the Wii, I'll be fine with that.  Let your shovelware rot on the PS3 or 360 instead.

Numbers are like people. Torture them enough and you can get them to say anything you want.

VGChartz Resident Thread Killer