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Thread Description: In this series of threads I will be looking at games that have been released for at least 18 months, and then comparing how much first week, and first month sales make up of the total sales. In the second post there will be one of two polls, one for a game with strong legs (1st month sales make up less than 35% of total sales) and one for why a game was more frontloaded (1st month sales make up more than 35% of total sales) .  With the thread description out the way here is today's  Look at those Legs Game of the Day…

Game of the Day

Article to be posted on 10/11

Super Mario Galaxy

# of Copies Sold % of Total Sales
First Week Sales 1.06 13.03
First Month Sales 2.42 29.77

Description: Super Mario Galaxy launched in November of 2007 and achieved the rare accomplishment of hitting the 1 million copies sold first week worldwide.  However; despite the strong launch sales only account for ~13% of the game's total sales and the first month total accounts for less than 30% of total sales.  Consider how strong the launch was, and the fact the game is still selling moderately well each week, meaning the percentages are continuing to decrease, that is very impressive.  So why do you think Super Mario Galaxy continued to sell so well after it's launch? Was it positive word of mouth, lack of competition on the console or continued marketing, or something else?  Vote in the poll and then let us know what you think.

Update: Poll Removed now that follow up article has been posted.

Note:I'm aware the the game has not been officially bundled or been given an official rerelease, I just use all the same choices for each poll in case I want to be able to compare two games' results.                   

       Previous Look at those Legs threads  

       Assassin's Creed (10/13) (Article Link)              

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (9/25) (Article Link)

Side Note: You might have seen in the "Help Our Site Articles" thread, but I'm trying to find a group of people with N4G accounts that would be willing to consistently vote to approve VGChartz articles and I would send out a pm to everybody when an article needs to be approved.  Getting approved and a high rating on that site really helps the number of views articles get, so anybody willing to help would be much appreciated. If you are interested send me a pm.