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My condolences to the victims. Hadn't heard about it the news is far too negative for my tastes these days. All they seem to do is tell you things too make you upset, scared, or cause you to feel impotent.

I would say this on the subject of school shootings. They are all about human interaction, and societal expectations. The best solution is to value other people, and be supporting and nurturing. I guarantee if all the school shooters got the attention they deserved, and were helped to deal with their problems we would not have had any shootings. Instead neglect is the far easier coarse, but the signs really are there. Ignoring a problem does not solve a problem. In the end it just makes it worse, and occasionally those with problems will take the darkest path.

I think the character Yoda said it best. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. I guarantee if as a global society we just accepted this truth. We would do so much more to alleviate fear in others, and not cause fear in the first place. Instead we wallow in so much fear it is sickening some of us so much that we become damn near evil.

When someone goes out and kills innocent people its just as much our fault as it is the shooters. Unfortunately we are going to probably play the blame game ignoring the fact that we have always had these exact same problems. The expression was different is all. The same people that go out school shooting now, are the same people that would be pillaging villages a thousand years ago.

This brings to mind a story I heard about a young Scandinavian boy that after arguing with his playmates. Deciding to go home grab a ax, and come back and kill one of them. Instead of alarm or rage the mother just said he would make a great Viking. The moral of the story is we used to have uses for these kind of people, and now we do not. I am sure someone is going to recount the tail in the coming days.