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Zucas said:
CGI-Quality said:
Zucas said:
Geez my Wii predictions for the week was 210k-240k. I got owned haha. Guess it didn't follow traditional price cut scenarios. Sales doubled haha. PS3 holding nice and tight as is 360 who didn't falter too much after ODST week. DS of course always doing good. Interesting case though is PSP. Sales have a little more than doubled but for a new SKU that may not be a very good thing. But still we need to see how this will hold up for a few weeks to really judge it. Although on a comparison basis the PSP sales aren't that amazing, but the increase is definitely a good one and we may see it hold up quite well. It's possibly we could have another 4 consoles next week sell 200k+.

Never get tired of reading this man's reasonable input!

Well I try.  It's looking like what we might see is that PS3 may never go below 200k fort the rest of the year.  That would be quite a feat considering where it was earlier this year.  I had expected PS3 to level off in the 180k-200k range but it's looking like it might level off in the 220k-240k range before holidays which is quite impressive.  It's really only this current week that we have to see if it'll hold because Uncharted 2 week and thereon should be pretty solid for PS3 the rest of the year.

Same goes for Wii.  I'm very surprised the price cut had that much of an affect.  I was expecting at the highest 250k range and then a progression upwards til the holiday season.  This is a very good thing for the Wii as it starts to get its big name properties that come out the rest of the year and that mass market appeal.  Wii could easily do 300k in this current week we are in especially with Wii Fit Plus out. 

I guess I'm just very surprised at how well some of these are holding up considering September usually isn't that big of a month.  But now that we are in October things are just going to start getting crazy.  I mean despite the lackluster sales at the beginning of the year, this is shaping up to be a pretty strong holiday season... possibly even as strong as last year considering Wii and 360 won't be supply constrained.  Will have a strong Wii, PS3, and 360 going into it along with new SKUs and pricepoints for DS and PSP (and the others of course too).  Then of course with games like Modern Warfare 2, New Super Mario Bros Wii, FF13 in Japan, Uncharted 2, etc... we might actually see this year end on a very strong note to carry into the massive software lineup that is 2010.  Going to be a fun holiday season.

wow excellent post & not a hahaha in site!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey