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Curt Schilling's 38 Studios Working On PS3 RPG

Recent acquisition Big Huge Games hiring veterans with experience with the PS3 and RPGs.

By Kat Bailey, 10/07/2009

You know him as former pitcher Curt Schilling, hero of the 2001 and 2004 World Series. But Schilling is also in the video game industry, and it appears that his 38 Studios is working on an RPG for the PlayStation 3.

According to recent job postings (via PS3Center), 38 Studios is looking for a senior PS3 programmer with "significant hands-on technical contributions on at least one on a AAA-level PS3 title."

They're also searching for a lead art director who will be "working on an RPG for the PS3 platform," and a narrative designer with a "minimum of one AAA title shipped as a designer on PC or console (experience in RPGs preferred)."

With the listings being for the recently acquired Big Huge Games, speculation has revolved around the possibility that it's a new project, an RPG that was already in the works during the acquisition, or a port of 38's MMORPG codenamed Copernicus.

Whatever it is, with names like EverQuest designer Travis McGeathy, Forgotten Realms and Star Wars author R.A. Salvatore and members of the Oblivion team involved, it'll definitely be worth keeping an eye on.