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My wife really likes mysims, but it's really a casual affair. EA did a GOD AWFUL job on the programming and it's laggy as hell. It's just programmed terribly so that it has to search the entire disc for every single little item (and there are lots and lots of items popping up all the time), so just walking around it spits and sputters and I can hear my poor wii's laser flying back and forth constantly searching for relevant data. Enter a house you can hear your wii searching the disc while it takes forever to load, it loads you still can hear it searching for stuff as you choppily walk across the room until it finishes. Then you talk to some one and the laser races back and forth again and it gets all choppy. My wife is very casual gamer so it doesn't bother her too much , but I can't play it. It's a good concept but EA just sucks. They put no effort into their games.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.