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Yes reviews matter, conditionally though.

Reviews definately matter more to 'core' gamers than casual. A poor review for a game designed for 'core' gamers will generally doom success (unless it gets good word-of-mouth or strong franchise). However, a great review does not guarantee success but will help launch numbers. Bioshock is a good example of reviews pushing sells.

What reviews cannot do is help a game that is mismatched to it's cliental. IE: Okami/Pyschonauts/Dewy (not that Dewy was well reviewed but it wouldn't have helped)

Casual gamers rely more on word of mouth. This is why MP8 does so well and I believe Mario & Sonic will as well. If they are fun, and can draw attention to themselves, they will sell. Again good reviews will help get more out the door at launch and help this process along, but success isn't imperiled by mediocore reviews like 'core' games are. Let's hope Zach & Wiki benefits from this, although poor MP3 will not (too core).