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FJ-Warez said:
W29 said:
See thats the point I believe if people like us stay on the computer and listen to reviewers about the games, then the sales suffer due to someone else saying the game sucks.

Sometimes, the game really sucks, or is not good enough or long enough to justify a purchase... so, thanks reviewers...

This goes both ways however. There are times when reviews will bring to light games which some might have overlooked. They will not change the fate of the game good or bad, but they will push it in the direction it's already going.  This is usually seen in poor reviews much more so than positive reviews.

Okami is an example of a game with great reviews but poor sales. The reviews didn't change the atmosphere surrounding the game to the world itself, but they got a few people interested in it.

Lair is an example of a game where its hype was slaughtered by reviews and sales suffered. Few things could cover up the general disappointment with that title, and reviews only pushed the sales it was going to get down a bit.

Honestly, the best way to suffer least from the effects of reviews is to make a great game. Make a great game, get a great review, and all is usually right with the world. It's when reviewers go sour or games do that problems arise.