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The reason software for the PS3 isn't selling is - no one is really interested. Yeah, some folks, but most bought a PS3 because:

A. It was touted as the cheapiest Blu Ray player
B. Folks are loyal to the PS brand
C. There are few games on the PS3 worth of getting bought

Just look at the overall picture. Sales worldwide (not in Japan) are like 55K for the PS3. The 360 is right behind at 45K. The 40gb has been out ... how long in Europe? It was at 100K and dropped to 50K. The glaze is wearing off - and gamers are like 'Hay ... why in the devil am I buying this?!' I never buy anything based on what's around the corner. You have to give me a compelling reason RIGHT NOW to buy something - anything.

Believe it or not, Sony can't dupe some of us. Some of us aren't fooled by the lie that the 40gb PS3 is better without BC ...

We aren't falling for their Jedi mind tricks this time ...