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@Trashleg: Your first comment was included.

The OP, as you can see, made the point of the lack of art in videogames as the lack of creativity in them. Which i do agree and which is one of the reasons why Wii is what it is, to bring back creativity, the aspect of art.

Your first comment wasn't any different from the one i replied to. The first comment was about complaining the crappy games on the market.

@Nordlead: You missed the point. What makes a painting art? What makes a song art? What makes a movie art? What makes a videogame art? All the art share one thing in common, which is the creativity process, but every form of art has its own individual characteristics, that make them different from another. Music can't be music if you paint it and paintings can't be painting if it's video. Videogames can't be videogames if they don't differentiate from music, movies and paintings.
One of the problems in "making videogames art" seems to be that the people who pursue the art, seem to be pursuing videogames ceasing to be videogames. There definately are videogames that can be considered as art, but they can be art and videogames only if the art is in the characterics of videogame.

@Chichirimuyo: Except that how many artists are there who aren't remembered like Leonardo, Rembrandt or Beethoven.

Art is the product of creative process and the videogames today largely lack the creativity. NES games were far more creative than the games today.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.