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I have a different perspective being a 'lapsed' gamer that (as far as consoles go) went from Colecovision to Wii with nothing inbetween. I really have little interest in most popular genres that PS3/360 specialize in (action, FPS, TPS, JRPG) nor do I have the concept of blood, big boobed women and armoured men being a necessity of games. I grew up on Pac-man, Q-bert, Donket Kong and Frogger.

Therefore I love the novelity that motion controls have allowed to flourish in an otherwise stale marketplace. Games like Dewy's Adverture, Boom Blox, Marble Saga, Zack & Wiki, Let's Tap, Wii __, etc. I also love how they make certain games much more viseral - sports - (Tiger Woods, Baseball, NHL2K10), sandbox (Godfather, Bully, Scarface, Madworld), FP (Red Steel (despite it's faults), Metroid), racing and yeah party games. IR has also really benefitted games like Endless Ocean, strategy (Pikmin, Overlord), FPS (Conduit, CoD), and my favorite Adventure games (yeah!!). Any game I can play one handed while I eat, drink or do stuff is a winner for me.

To me (and I may be alone in this) I'd rather Dragon Age was on Wii so I could play one handed with IR (and 4 player local multiplayer with IR!!!) than on 360 (my pc won't run it).

In my mind it's a shame neither the core or casual have embraced a lot of the great novel games that Wii has brought, resulting in the industry starting to go back into the stagnantation of more of the same.

So basically, if it wasn't for Wii I'd have sat this generation out too. So for next generation, the same will hold true. Plus Wii has created a whole subset of gamers that now only know games with motion/IR. I can't imagine they'll ever want to goto the 'inferior' control pads. So if Sony/MS wants to attract their business next gen then motion must be part and parcel.