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The best Wii games make me wish one thing: more excellent Wii games...

The controls in the Metroid Prime Trilogy or Resident Evil 4, by example, are some of the most fun and intuitive i've ever experienced in 30+ years of gaming... it's so good i just can't imagine going back to the "old school" controlled versions anymore...

Of course, some game genres will never use motion controls at their best, and most of the best Wii games make good use of the IR pointing rather than the motion controls themselves...

The motion controls of WM+ will of course be perfect for many sports and "physical" games, but there's still so many things to do... especially with action/adventures and RPGs... or original platformers and puzzle games, too... and of course FPS, even if it's not really my cup of tea...

But i know many gamers will never adapt, so the "classic controller" option is also a must, i guess...


"A beautiful drawing in 480i will stay beautiful forever...

and an ugly drawing in 1080p will stay ugly forever..."