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The slim PS3. The PSP-Go. The DSi. The newer fat PS3s. The PS2 rawked at playing all of the PS1 games. This gen, all of the systems initially offered the feature, but the BC leader last gen felt it was unnecessary and axed the feature on the largest library of console games ever.

The Wii can play pretty much all GC games, and the 360 has a pretty good rate of playing the more popular Xbox games.

I have heard people say 'Buy a PS2 if you want to play PS2 games.' But - it is really worth it? With the console at the end of the cycle, why buy something that could be obsolete very soon?

With the next generation, if the feature is offered, will that affect your decision? Yes? No?

I don't want flaming or attempts to derail this, but honest, truthful answers. Check this fanisms at the door.
