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Project Natal made a big splash earlier this year when it was revealed at E3 2009. The new camera accessory for the Xbox 360 was able to detect the player's physical movements without the need of any input devices. Many analysts suspect that it could the next evolution to motion controls. Although the initial reactions are overwhelmingly positive, Microsoft still has plenty of big hurdles to clear in order for their new accessory to be a massive success. Here are a few problems Project Natal will be facing once it launches some time in 2010.

Price Point
Price is always a big problem, especially when it involves new and experimental technology. In order for Project Natal to succeed on the Xbox 360, Microsoft must be smart and keep the entry price low for the accessory so that the mass market would be interested. Project Natal should be no more than $99.99 and that may be stretching it a little too far. With the economic downturn, price could end up being a big problem for Microsoft.

Not Bundled with System from Day One
Project Natal won't be coming out on a new system. Instead, Microsoft will be releasing their new accessory to the Xbox 360, which will be entering its fourth year since launching in 2005. Microsoft is going to be facing a big problem in terms of game development with regards to the segmented install base caused by Project Natal because a majority of Xbox 360 gamers won't have the accessory.

No Feedback
Another potential problem lies with the core concept of Project Natal. As mentioned before, you don't have to hold anything or press any buttons in order to interact with the video game on screen. Because of that, however, players won't be able to get the tactile feedback required to know if they performed the desired action or not. The Nintendo Wii has already received several complaints due to the motion controls not being as accurate as a traditional controller. So Microsoft definitely has to worry about this potential problem from Project Natal.

Stiff Competition
Finally, Microsoft, will have to deal with some stiff competition once Project Natal launches on the Xbox 360. Nintendo basically had a big head start in terms of motion control implementation with the Wii Remote of the Nintendo Wii. Furthermore, Sony is also introducing their version motion control for the Playstation 3 at around the same time as Microsoft. So, just like launching a video game system, Microsoft should prepare for a tough and long fight with Sony and Nintendo when Project Natal comes out sometime in 2010.



I think its a decent article......No feedback can be solved with peripherals, Stiff competitions? Its different from wii mote & Ps mote so dunno about that

Not BUNDLED & PRICE POINT are KEY....they need to nail these

What problems DO YOU think it needs to overcome?

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey