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joeorc said:
Smidlee said:
joeorc said:


that I think, Is a very big point.


many people Say "Blu-Ray" is not needed, and with upconversion DVD player's the quality of DVD IS GOOD ENOUGH!

that very thing is why the concept of PC vs Game console's is a moot point now due to that very same problem.

the digital transition just went into effect recently, and most consumer's are looking into getting a HDtv in the US. the problem is if you do not have a 60" HDtv the visual quality of HDtv set's are real good on the smaller HD tv's. most consumer's view that their DVD's look great. Blu-Ray is a upgrade to DVD that's pretty much it, Blu-Ray player's still play DVD's and upconvert's. So the problem with some is vs' the price of Blu-Ray to DVD is the cost worth the upgrade?

to some it is to other's it's not.

that does not mean that Blu-Ray is a failed product or that it's going away, the problem with that way of thinking is that Blu-Ray still play's DVD's. because of that very same function it is going to stay in the market.

this is the same problem with PC gaming vs' GAME CONSOLE's

 Movies and games are not the same. For example there is no need for antiliasing when it comes to movies so a upscale DVD doesn't have to worry about jagged edges even though it does produce a more muddy look and not the sharp image of the Blu-ray .  You don't need UI in movie that you find in games.  You often have a lot more text in games than you do in movies.  Information are often put around the edges which makes the corners  more important in games than they are in movies.   Etc.


that's not what this is pointing out. 

video game's

and movies have quite a bit in common than you might think ,but that was not what i was mainly pointing out.

the very fact that like Blu-Ray you will have consumer's that see the advantage's worth the upgrade to higher resolution content as worth the extra $ over STICKING WITH JUST DVD being played on a HDtv, or UP CONVERTED DVD player. 

other's do not see the extra $ as worth it and will still stick with DVD

THE SAME CAN BE SAID FOR PC's now that Game consoles have such high resolution's of game's that are on the system , many Gamer's are seeing less and less of a reason to upgrade that PC. and the trend is most likely going to continue.

Not to say that PC as a viable game platform is not going away or anything, Its just that unlike prev. generation's these game console's for the first time have been able to handle game's in resolution that mainly only PC game's were designed to handle mainly because , even though the PC's are not as "static" as the Game console hardware wise the game console even being more static hardware wise is still very much a powerful system to handle graphic's that was once in the real OF "only being able to be done on the PC with that kind of graphic's quality"

that trend is quite forefront due to 3rd party developer's and publisher's now putting many game's that would have been PC only , now being made to be on the game console's now because the hardware in the game console in the first time this generation of game systems that are able to handle the game.

that is why you see many game's this generation 



HIGH END PC game's are In my opinion in the market minority vs' the game console's market game's because of the cost does not in view of some to be worth the extra $. the same is with Blu-Ray over DVD, SOME DO NOT THINK THE ADDED EXTRA EXPENSE IS WORTH IT.


The PC vs Consoles situation is different from the Blu-Ray vs DVD, because of 2 reasons:

1- PC games are far cheaper than console games. Not only is the average PC game much cheaper than the average Console game, but it also drops price much faster. You are guaranteed to cover some of your PC's cost, if not all of it.

2- PCs are a necessity, not a luxury. People need PCs for work, which gives PC an incredible advantage over consoles.