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I've been really liking the repackaged 'combo' type deals lately, first Orange Box and now this.

I own Lego Star Wars II (Original Trilogy) for PS2 and it was a blast playing through it with my girlfriend. She isnt really into video games but she got hooked on this LSW's charm, humor and the teamwork aspects of its gameplay. We didnt get to unlock everything though, so we were meaning to do that (some day) and wanted to eventually pick up the first game.

However with the Complete Saga we can get it all with much nicer graphics, more levels (total of 36) and more characters to choose from. Pretty good deal eh? I should be picking mine up this week.

Anyone else hyped for this remake? Im getting the 360 version of course, but Im curious as to how the Wii version plays with its controls and all...

Edit - Hmmm, I just checked and its only 49.99! 

PS360 ftw!

Currently playing..........

Gears of War 2, GTA IV Lost and Damned, Little Big Planet (Yes I said I had no interest but my girl wanted to try it and we did and now Im hooked )