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grapeape said:
Isnt the real question when PC graphics will on average become so much better that the majority will care? Its been over 3 years since a PC game cracked 5 million sales, some blame directx 10, I blame lack of interest. All of my friends that were PC gamers are console gamers now, I keep updating my computer (currently have a quad core with a gtx 275) but cant remember the last game i picked up for the PC, I think it was Orange box. The only guy I still know that plays pc games does so because he pirates them. Sure some games do look better on a pc...but just not enough to care.

"It's been over 3 years since a PC game cracked 5 million sales"

PC Games released in the last 3 yaers that cracked/will crack 5 millions:

Plants vs Zombies
The Sims 3
Dawn of Discovery
Aion Online
World of Warcraft: wrath of the Lich King
World of Warcraft: the Burning Crusade
Fallout 3
Call of Duty 4
The Orange Box
Team Fortress 2
Peggle Deluxe

Many of it is a guess, but's it's a damn good guess.