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Buzzi - well, the topic is about who will reach it`s goal first and not WSR effect in long term. :)
2010 and better, well who knows. But it`s only 5k pricecut an NSMB or i miss something fior the 1st half of 2010?

NSMB vs FFXIII, which will draw more new owners in short term, since FFXIII first HUGE PS3 game. Wii already had around 5.

Avinash_Tyagi - i just see the Wii trend, where Wii is selling less year by year in Japan.

ClaudeLv250 - i compared FFXIII(a bigger game) to MH3, which sold over 90K Wii, added Christmas boost, Slim model and New affordable price effect. And i got 220-250k.
Any reason why it should be lower?

Assassin's Creed 2 or Uncharted 2 are more like to sell around 100k +-20k. Whatever, it still will help PS3 to stay above 40k.
And again, for you - i just see the Wii trend, where Wii is selling less year by year in Japan. You probably don`t see that.