first half 2007 Wii,"That is not true. Not to mention, that Wii had shortages in first half of 2007.Okey,..." /> first half 2007 Wii,"That is not true. Not to mention, that Wii had shortages in first half of 2007.Okey,..." /> first half 2007 Wii,"That is not true. Not to mention, that Wii had shortages in first half of 2007.Okey,..." /> first half 2007 Wii,"That is not true. Not to mention, that Wii had shortages in first half of 2007.Okey,..." />
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kopstudent89 - on "first half 2008 Wii > first half 2007 Wii,"
That is not true. Not to mention, that Wii had shortages in first half of 2007.

Okey, most time till the end of year PS3 will be 40k+.
It`s not like those several thousands will change anything, if it sells 38k or 42k.

But now, on Wii Fit Plus and Wii Sport Resort: - 350k +21,5k Wii - 500k +24,5k Wii - 600k +21,5k Wii

Wow, it`s a million seller in Japan already, just like Wi Fit Plus probably will be, but HW sales?
Before i made my expectation for other Wii games, what so special about Wii lineup except NSMB? And how you explain no boost from BIG game release, because i have my explanation, but want to hear yours people.